Mudanya Armistice Museum, situated at the seaside of Mudanya Armistice Square, is the location where the ceasefire agreement that ended the War of Independence of the Republic of Turkey with victory was signed. The ceasefire agreement was signed by Ismet Inonu, the Commander of the Western Front Armies of the Republic of Turkey, and representatives from the Allied Powers (England, France, and Italy) after the conclusion of the War of Independence.
The Armistice House was built in the late 19th century. The house, which initially belonged to Alexander Ganyanof of Russian descent, was subsequently purchased and restored by businessman Hayri Ipar from Mudanya and established as a museum under Mudanya Municipality in 1937. The four-story house has pictures and personal items from the armistice era, as well as Ismet Inonu's office and bedrooms for himself and his aides.